Sunday, March 15, 2020

7 Strategies for Women Who Want to be the Boss at Work

7 Strategies for Women Who Want to be the Boss at WorkEven today, tzu siche are some unspoken double standards for women and men in the workplace. Sure, weve (hopefully) moved on from the worst of the Mad Men style of blatant sexism in the office, and these days you can find women working alongside men at all levels of an industry. Still, stereotypes and differences linger in every field, every industry, every job. So what can you do, as a professional woman, to help get through this minefield of professional issues and excel at work? googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) 1. Dress the part.This is definitely one of those double standard gray areas. Do you let yurself dress casually (or even on the slouchy side) like some of your male colleagues might do, to show that youre their equal? Or do you lean into the idea that women should be dressing mora nicely at work? Its a valid debate, but whenever a work dress code is up for discussion, always err on the side of dressing up a notch or two. But unfairly or not, women are often held to a higher standardand the mora professionally you dress, the more professional you seem.If you work in an office where jeans and sneakers are the unofficial uniform, you dont need to bust out your fanciest pantsuit. A jacket or blazer over your jeans can bump up the professional factor in a super-cazh office, or that same blazer over crisp, tailored pants in a business-casual environment works as well. Always on the dont even think about it list low-cut anything, tops that show more skin than they cover, short skirts, and flamboyant jewelry or accessories. Wearing these things can distract attention from how well youre doing your job, and give people a reason to take you less-than-seriously.2. Dont let others undercut your authority.If you have direct reports or are in a position of authority, make koranvers people treat you accordingly. Ive been in situations where clients would automatically start talking past me to my boss or to male colleagues in the room, when I was actually the one responsible for making day-to-day decisions and getting things done on the clients behalf. If you can feel someone eroding your authority (and they may not even realize theyre doing it), firmly remind them of your role. Make sure that people understand what youre bringing to the table As Chips supervisor, Ill be the one making sure our team reports the sales. In my experience as a ________, I can see what the challenges will be here.Youve worked hard to get to your role, and you deserve to be acknowledged for it.3. Be assertive (but not overly aggressive).In a perfect world, my advice would be go for it, lady Show them whats what, in no uncertain terms In this imperfect world, however, women perceived as aggressive bosses or colleagues can quickly find themselves tagged as witches (or the similar positiv we all know), ballbusters, and the like. This can be just as damaging to workplace r espect and progress than being a pushover. Its totally unfair, because everyone has their own personal style, and some people are just aggressivebut these perceptions are a fact of professional life, at least for now. So how does one find that place where one is upfront about what one wants but isnt perceived as some kind of monster? Where is that sweet spot of straightforward respect and authority?Essentially, the best way to get there is saying what you want, but being careful about how its phrased. Making blunt demands, or giving feedback like thats wrong is likely to turn off your audience, male or female. This is where stellar communication skills come in handy. Use a tone thats non-confrontational, so that the other person isnt automatically feeling defensive and ready to mutiny. And even when you disagree, try to find some common element that you can use as an olive branch before explaining what you want to do differently I see what youre saying, and although I do agree that we need to raise revenue, I see it a little differently.One strategy is to ask questions instead of diving in with statements. That way, you can be part of starting a dialogue instead of something that can be perceived as an attack. Asking clarification questions like where do you see this going? or how does this impact our goals? opens up a communication line with the other speaker, and will give you an opportunity to say what you want to express as part of the back-and-forth.4. Dont be afraid to speak up.When I was younger, I was told things like never disagree with your boss in public. And now that Ive been around longer, I think thats trueto an extent. Id modify it to, if you disagree, do it respectfullyand pick your moments. One of the biggest challenges facing many professional women (especially younger ones) is the idea that they should hang back and let more senior people hash things out. And while I dont recommend inserting yourself into every single debate in every single meeting just for the sake of being heard, remember that youre in the room for a reason. If you disagree with something being discussed, dont be afraid to say sobut again, always phrase it as respectfully and diplomatically as possible.And again, pick your moment. If your boss is giving a presentation in front of bigwigs, and you see that shes wrong about something, dont throw her under the bus in front of everyone, or give a loud and long dissent in the meeting. If youre directly asked about your opinion, give it carefully. Or talk about it offline with your boss later. Your opinion is valuable, and your insights can earn you respect and acknowledgment if theyre expressed well.5. Dont let people talk over you.Weve all been there youre talking about something work-related, and a colleague (often older and male) breaks in and, in a dismissive tone, gives an opinion about why youre wrong, without letting you finish the thought. Unless youve been filibustering the floor with a long mono logue, this is poor form on the interruptors part. And no one likes this kind of bullying tactic. So how do you handle in the moment? Politely interrupt them back, and ask to finish your point, or try to turn it into a dialogue instead of a lecture.6. Advocate for yourself.This is, hands-down, one of the best things you can do to get respect at work. Knowing what you want, and how to ask for it, is a skill that will serve every professional (male or female) well throughout a career. Being able to negotiate is a key leadership skill, and one every woman should have at the ready as a professional. Asking for what you want is a great first step, but you also need to know how to navigate what comes next an offer, a counteroffer, and when to agree or walk away.7. Know when to fold em.If youre in a work situation where you try all these strategies and youre still not getting the level of professional respect you deserve, then it could very well be time to walk away. Youre not obligated to stay in a role where you are defined and treated according to stale old perceptions about what women are and should be, so if you find that youre spending more time counteracting stereotypes than actually doing your job, it could be time to get out. Theres no shame in wanting to find a better environment for your skills and personality. And with your brushed-up negotiation skills, your next opportunity could be right around the corner.Every professional deserves respect male, female, young, old, green, experienced. Stepping up to request and take that respect, however, can be a big challenge. We still have a long way to go before everyone in the workplace is completely equal (even in the most gender-balanced fields and the most supportive companies, decades-old perceptions tend to die hard), but in the meantime, we hope you never stop striving to get everything you can out of your career.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How to Introduce Yourself With Confidence In Person Examples for All Situations

How to Introduce Yourself With Confidence In Person Examples for All Situations Its human nature to judge, both consciously and unconsciously.As much as we like to believe that we are in complete control of our thoughts, we all make snap assessments of others in a matter of seconds. People are categorized as friend or foe based on the instinctual impulses deep in our reptilian brains. Rational thought only comes into play later the first impression is a gut reaction. Recognizing the immediacy of these judgments can help you create a good first impression and a lasting reputation.Whether you are meeting someone in an interview or online at your local coffee shop, its important to know how to introduce yourself to platzset the right tone for your conversation and control your first impression.What should you say when introducing yourself?Everyone needs a short, pithy pitch to use for introductions.Youre bound to meet new people whether youre shy or a total extrovert it could be when y ou abflug a new job, attend a networking event, or your friend introduces you to someone they know. You dont want to stumble over simple facts, such as who you are, what you do, and what youre all about.Trust me, nothing feels worse than screwing up something as simple what you do for work but it happens when youre put on the spot and dont have a confident statement stored in your memory. Creating a set of phrases you can pull from your memory (rehearse, rehearse, rehearse) helps you come across as polished, confident, and professional.How to Introduce Yourself ExamplesNot every situation requires the saatkorn approach when youre meeting someone for the first time. While youll keep certain elements the same, youll want to tweak a few things for each interaction to ensure you make the best possible impression. Below, youll find four common scenarios and exactly how you can be on top of your game in each. In an interviewFor an in-partie interview, follow these three steps.1. Stay off your phone while you wait in the lobby or interview room. Youll want to stay calm and aware its jarring (and a little embarrassing) to find an outstretched hand when youre buried in your phone scrolling through Instagram.2. Give a firm, confident handshake and smile as you say, Thank you for meeting with me today, or a simple, Hi, insert name, Im insert name. Pleasure to meet you3. Oftentimes your interviewer will start off by saying, Tell me about yourself.This is where your prepared talking points come in handy (also known as your elevator pitch). The ideal mix is to give a bit of your background and then bring things to the present.For example My passion is creating amazing customer interfaces. I have eight years of graphic design experience, including time spent at X company and X company. I transitioned to UX/UI when I realized how satisfying it is to explain why you love your current career. While Ive enjoyed my time at your current company, Im looking for opportunities to in sert skill or career goal if you can tie this to something from the companys mission statement or job posting, do so.At a networking eventfruchtwein people at networking events are just as uncomfortable as you are, even if they seem like seasoned pros. This is when you really have a chance to practice introducing yourself to a bunch of willing strangers. No one likes standing around by themselves, so practice approaching and introducing yourself at these type of functions. Follow these easy steps to get started.1. Pick your target.2. Pump yourself up. Remind yourself that youre a friendly, interesting (insert whatever adjectives you want) person and youre excited to meet someone new.3. Approach your person, smile (or at the very least look friendly), and say, Hi, Im insert name, Im a profession, or interested in X topic. What brought you to this event? If the person was a speaker, or if you know something about them (perhaps you have a mutual acquaintance, or you found you went to the same college during some pre-event LinkedIn research), you can make your introduction more tailored.Before a presentationWhether you know all your colleagues or not, talking a little bit about your role in the company before you start a presentation helps provide context for your coworkers (and makes you look put-together). Follow the steps outlined below to look like a pro.1. Introduce yourself and explain what you do for the company and why youre presenting.Example Good afternoon Im name, and I describe your function in the company. For the next length of presentatation, Im going to explain or talk to you about X topic. (This next part is optional and a best practice if you think your presentation is comprehension and will address most common questions). If you think of a question, please jot it down and wait until the end to ask so we can keep the momentum going.2. Set expectations for how long your presentation will last and whether youll take questions as you go along or pr efer them at the end.3. Get startedAt a meetingThe steps youll follow for introducing yourself at a meeting are very similar to what you should do before a presentation.1. Give your name, department, and role at the company. You may think that everyone already knows who you are, but you never know who needs a reminder.Example Good morning Im name. I am the your role/function for our company.2. Provide the estimated end time for the meeting, hopeful outcomes/decisions, and any other who, what, when, where, why establishing details.Example Our hard stop is 930 by then, Id like us to insert desired meeting end results this is usually a decision needed by the group and decide on a follow up for any other tasks.3. Have your meetingHere are five tips to turn your introduction into a good impression and a meaningful connection1. Perfect Your PitchYour elevator pitchor introduction of yourself should convey the depths of your experience, what you are looking for, and how someone can help. Obviously, tailoring it to the audience will make it that much more persuasive.Set your intentions for the conversation that you expect to have so that you are prepared. Whether you are looking for a new job and introducing yourself in a cover letter or interview, gunning for a promotion, or just want a real estate scoop, know what you want to convey and set the tone.Practice your pitch Say it to your kids, your friends, your parents, and anyone who will listen so that you can be sure you are introducing yourself, and what you want, in an articulate way.Repeat other peoples names in your discussions to demonstrate their value to you and to harness their attention. Everyone wants to feel important. Convince the person that you have a genuine interest in her and care about what she has to say.2. Mind Your Body PositioningWe all know that body language is important.Making eye contact, having a firm handshake, a strong stance, and a smiling face all convey a sense of confidence and comm and to your audience. If you arent feeling particularly confident at any moment, you need to fake it so that others wont spielblttchen up on your negativity. Confidence is contagious, which means that when you act confident you will start feeling more confident and then others will perceive you as confident AND competent. Visualize yourself having the exchange that you want and feel it happening.Be aware of what signals you send with your stance, your tone of voice, your posture, your gestures and your facial expressions (eye contact is key). Open your body and your mind by communicating nonthreatening enthusiasm. The more receptive you are, the more receptive the other person will be.3. Play the PartThis is not the time to pretend that appearances dont matter.Often judgments are made before the first word is uttered. People notice the way you dress, the way you carry yourself, and your overall presentation. As much as this is a subjective interpretation, you dont want a negative pe rception of your style to overshadow the substance of your meeting.You want to feel comfortable and, more importantly, feel good about your fashion and beauty sense while still considering the overall impression you give off to others. Get some physical exercise before a big meeting to look healthy and alert at first glance. In professional networking settings, be serious about how you look, act, and how others perceive you. Research the cultural and workplace norms regarding appropriate dress code, color scheme, and modesty, so that you can be respectful of others as well as yourself.4. Display Genuine Interest Willingness to HelpMuch like confidence, positivity is contagious. Exuding authentic passion and excitement whether in a job interview or letter of introduction is more likely to yield a deeper relationship and establish a memorable reputation.While this may seem obvious, so many people forget to make an effort to be positive and trustworthy in professional interactions. Purposefully emit positive emotional energy and ask questions to elicit responses. Most peoples favorite subjects are themselves and self-revelations make people happier, so let them speak more.Demonstrate your desire to be of tafelgeschirr to others by asking specific questions, offering to make connections, send relevant articles, invite people to conferences, provide recommendations, and generally telling the person through your follow up actions that you are thinking of them.5. Master the SpinIn the connected world we live in, its important to remember that you are making a first impression before you even meet someone. Remember that others will look you up online as soon as you come on their radar so you need to be sure that your reputation online is what you want it to be. Be your own PR director Control the message in all forms so that the first impression you give off is definitely a good one.Establishing your professional identity can empower your next step. You want to bui ld a persuasive and effective brand across all media outlets. Consider your values, talents, and career goals in creating resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and elevator pitches that work to bolster your expertise. Think about how you want to be perceived by others in your network who can then evangelize you to potential employers and other connections.--Elana Konstant is a career coach and consultant focusing on professional women in career transition. A former lawyer, she founded Konstant Change Coaching to empower women to create the career they want. Change is good. Elana will help you find out why. Her career advice has been featured on, Babble, Motherly, and other outlets. You can learn more by visiting her website,

Thursday, March 5, 2020

All About Resume Writing Service Ads

All About Resume Writing Service Ads Resume Writing Service Ads Secrets If youre a completely new graduate seeking to produce your start on your career ladder, we can still help you distinguish yourself from the crowd. Unfortunately, the majority of people havent any idea how to compose a winning resume. A resume is your only chance of earning a great first impression when you seek work. A lot of people dont like their existing job or career. Dont Copy Job Description When youre asking for a work role, its a great concept to optimize your resume document for the work description, mainly in sections include your abilities and experiences. When do not have any experience and everything you can list in the resume are courses, crafting the ideal job application can be an issue. You dont need to give info about every little position you have at any time held. Other crucial areas in your work experience will likewise be explored to highlight your credentials and make a stand-out resume. This writing company makes sure their papers are all the terrific quality and all the customers are pleased. Offering free resume reviews is one method to come across clients. You should definitely take this tafelgeschirr into account if youre new to the internet writing businesses. Editing services arent readily available for any of the merchandise. How to Get Started with Resume Writing Service Ads? It takes a little bit of time for those agents to react to the emails, which means you are going to have to wait around for days if you attempt to get hold of them that manner. This is likely to attract attention to your applications. Our resume writing services incorporate quite a few steps. You may make a decision as to what you offer with a whole lot of specificity around the scope, how many hours you want to work and exactly what you wish to charge for your services. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Resume Writing Service Ads There are several essay wri ting services that think theyre the very best, and thus dont be cheated and check the authentic list of the very best. There are all sorts of job application documents, including some that arent available at other sites. When a resume writing service improves its site, its always a great thing. Dont neglect to add your professional social networking accounts on Facebook or LinkedIn, especially if youre looking for work in IT or Marketing.